About the project

‘Katmatkuo’ is a photography project focusing on the beauty of the human body. The project aims to show the models' personality through only a few frames showing them completely naked. Portrait, silhouette and detail. The nudity of the models removes unnecessary narrative: reference to a specific style, time or place. Smooth, black or white backgrounds do the same. It prevents unnecessary associations. It allows the recipient to focus on the beauty of the form. This form is created using light and shade, which alternately hide or expose individual fragments. The effect is enhanced by keeping the colour to a minimum.

The project mainly involves people who have not posed in front of the camera before. These are usually friends and acquaintances of the authors. Sometimes they are also perfect strangers. So far there have been no professional models here. One of the aims of the project is to show that each of us is beautiful, different and interesting in their own way...

About the author

The persons responsible for the creation and implementation of the 'katmatkuo' project are Katarzyna Kuo Stolarska and Mateusz Kuo Stolarski. Spouses in private life. In everyday life, they are architects successfully running their own design studios. Their education and multidisciplinary interests result in many projects from different artistic disciplines, from architecture and interior design to industrial design, graphics, typography and photography. Regardless of the field they create in, their work is characterized by simplicity, purism and minimalism.

Katarzyna Kuo Stolarska
I am not a photographer. I am an architect. However, photography has always been inseparably connected with architecture. It is during photography classes that architects learn the basics of composition, taste, working with light. I see photography as my next artistic adventure. On the one hand, it is related to art, which I can experience from a different perspective. On the other hand, I am involved in another project that is more personal to me. As a woman and a mother of three, I know how much my body has changed and how it affects my self-esteem. By photographing normal women, mothers, often over 40, I see and also show that each of us is still beautiful. The shoot itself and its final results change the way the models start looking at themselves again and give them self-confidence.

Mateusz Kuo Stolarski
I love to create. I do this every day in my job. However, I am passionate about many areas of design in which I also try to find my place. But if I was to say what I would be doing if I hadn't become an architect, it would probably be photography. I haven't parted with the camera in years. So far, however, I have photographed mainly architecture. Natural light, large, immobile structures that are creation of the human mind. It's time for another challenge. Working with a human being, their body and mind. The creature of nature. A completely different form, different light, different conditions, different relationship. But the joy of creation is the same!

I want a photo!

Photos that are part of the 'katmatkuo' project will soon be available to buy in limited series, mainly in the form of large-format prints with the authors’ hand-written signature. Framed in top quality frames with museum glass. Printed on top quality paper. It is also possible to participate in the project as a male/female model. If you are interested in any of the above options, please get in touch: iwantphoto@katmatkuo.com


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